Category Archives: Weight Loss

Torch Fat with 32 Killer Cardio Workouts for Home or Gym 

Cardio exercises are an essential component of any fitness routine. When performed consistently, they provide numerous health benefits and improve cardiovascular fitness. Below, you’ll find cardio workouts for losing weight, stamina, and overall fitness. These workouts are for everyone – from beginner to advanced. Even seniors. Prefer working out at home? Or the gym? You’ll…

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Losing Weight After 60: 5 Ways to Cut Nighttime Snacking

Today, I'd like to talk about the connection between nighttime snacking and losing weight after 60. I don’t know about you, but, at this point in my life, I really don’t care what other people think about my weight. At the same time, I do want to stay as fit and healthy as possible –…

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10 Ways to Get Energized to Lose Weight After 60 (You Can Do This!)

Before I get to today's topic, I just wanted to let you know that, in today's video, I will be talking about our new Sixty and Me "Aging Beautifully" cards. If you are interested in supporting Sixty and Me and getting more from life after 60, please check them out here: I wrote all…

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Weight Loss After 60: Understanding (and Controlling!) Your Emotional Eating Triggers

Weight loss after 60 is tough. But, it's not just about how much you eat, but, also why you eat, that matters. I hope that you find today's health aging video useful and fun! Thanks to our sponsor, International Living: Why do you eat? It’s a deceptively simple question. Of course, on a physical…

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Is it Time to Throw Out the Bathroom Scale? Losing Weight After 60

Let's talk about losing weight after 60 and staying fit at any age. For better or worse, most of us have become very familiar with our bathroom scale over the years. But, today, I want to offer a somewhat controversial perspective… that when it comes to fitness over 50, it may be time to throw…

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Frustrated by Fitness After 50? 5 Unexpected Reasons You Are Not Seeing Results

By our age, most of us don’t want to look younger… we want to feel healthier. We don’t want to lose weight for others… we want to get fit for our own sake. So, why is it that so many of us are frustrated when it comes to fitness? Today, I’d like to share 5…

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This Healthy Aging Elixir Will Help You Lose Weight and Gain Energy (It’s 0 Calorie and FREE!)

If I were to tell you that I have discovered a secret elixir that will help you to lose weight, have healthier skin and find more energy, would you believe me? Oh, and did I mention that it has zero calories, no sugar, is gluten-free and costs almost nothing? It’s true! So, in this morning’s…

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6 Things to Change to Get to a Healthy Weight After 60 (#3 is Critical)

6 Things to Change to Get to a Healthy Weight After 60 (#3 is Critical) There was a time that I cared about my weight because of the impact that it had on my appearance. Now, I just want to stay healthy and active for as long as possible. I want to travel, dance and…

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Losing Weight After 60 is Possible! Just Get Rid Of These 8 Things

Losing Weight After 60 is Possible! Just Get Rid Of These 8 Things It’s no secret that losing weight gets harder the older that we get. When I worked at a Pizza restaurant as a young woman, I could eat as much cheesy goodness as I wanted and not gain an ounce. Now, I just…

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Waiting for Weight Loss After 60? 5 Sneaky Tips to Get Your Body Back

Waiting for Weight Loss After 60? 5 Sneaky Tips to Get Your Body Back At our age, weight loss isn’t about impressing other people. It is about reclaiming the energy, flexibility, and confidence that we need to explore this amazing world. It is about being healthy and happy for as long as possible! So, in…

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